A story about reducing the amount of transfers and care providers for a continent person
When you are measuring days rather than weeks, every second counts. The super-fast production enabled blessed respite at the hardest of...
A story about a perfect fit and sacrum relief, featuring the GLOVE Diamond Deluxe (GDD).
A story about how a posture support enabled the first real bath for over 20 years, featuring the BURNETT REMOULD™ Bath Seat with full body...
A story about how sling comfort puts a smile on faces, featuring the GLOVE Diamond Deluxe (GDD).
A story about giving freedom back from being bedridden, featuring the GLOVE Airflow (GAIR).
A story about how a simple modification made a huge impact, featuring the GLOVE In-Chair LITE (GIL).
A story about enabling toileting privacy featuring the GLOVE Convenience II (GC2).
A story about how listening and understanding individual needs helped improve comfort and lessen pain, featuring the GLOVE Diamond Deluxe (GDD)...
A story about thinking 'outside of the box' to enable dignity, featuring the GLOVE Deluxe Foxy (GXF).
A story about going the extra mile and how by living by values improved lives, featuring the GLOVE Airflow Manual (GAIRM).
A story about shower posture management, featuring the Tilt-In-Space Shower Cradle (900-S).
A story about showering safety and comfort featuring the Tilt-In-Space Shower Chair (981-S).
We love hearing about how our products have helped improve lives, so if you have a success story you'd like to share, we'd be interested to hear from you and it could feature in our Improving Lives article library!