Care & Independence invite donantions to their JustGiving page to support the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) in providing aid to the people of Ukraine.
It cannot have escaped anyone’s attention that for the past month, international tensions between Russia and the Ukraine have had a devastating impact on the citizens of Ukraine. The horrific war-torn images reported in the news have touched most of us, as we continue to witness from afar the terrible humanitarian impact of war.
Care & Independence, the safe patient moving and handling specialists, have set up a Ukraine War Relief Initiative JustGiving page to support the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC). As a business they have donated over £1700 by making a financial contribution from every product sold for every day since the war began.
Managing Director Ian Jones explained, “Our core focus as a business is improving lives and this is the heart of what we stand for, driving us in all that we do. Our key values also include being caring and going the extra mile for the greater good. It was a natural response to the suffering we have been seeing to step up and publicly exercise our fundamental company belief system for such a current desperate humanitarian cause.”
If anyone would like to personally add to the Care & Independence fund raising page, any additional donations are welcomed. To make a donation, please visit