The Care & Independence 2023 Training Programme has been published and is available to book now!
Care & Independence have announced their training schedule for 2023, which can count towards an individual’s Continuous Professional Development.
With six dates spread throughout the year and venues in the South, South West, Midlands and the North, healthcare professionals looking to boost their sling knowledge are able to attend the event most local to them. Comprising a morning of educational presentation, delegates can expect to discover why sling size matters, hoist considerations as well as how to select the right sling and fit it correctly. The event concludes with a practical session. Full details on the courses including dates and locations are available from the Care & Independence website.
Steve Watson, National Sales Assessment Manager with over 20 years of moving and handling real world experience will be leading the events also being joined by relevant local Product Specialists and Business Development Managers - all trained to Level-4 RoSpa. “These training events provide a great opportunity for OTs and care providers to receive hands-on familiarisation with slings and best fitting practice as well as representing an opportunity to ask questions regarding moving and handling practice,” stated Steve.
The training is offered for free to healthcare professionals with limited availability so people are urged to book early to avoid disappointment. Bookings can be made using the online form from the Services/Training webpage.